Sunday 19 July 2015

Sunday Sentiment

Recently i’ve been thinking a lot about why people crave the things they do, is it because of society or the movies or just some innate desire? I love debating and pondering why we’ve been put on this planet and what purpose people have. My partner in crime in considering these philosophical queries is my youngest sister Sophie. So we took our questioning minds to our local park and pondered these things over coffee and cake (two of the best things in life).

Park essentials, sun tan lotion to make sure my pale skin doesn't burn..

Perfect park day :)

Sunday 5 July 2015

Why I do OOTD's

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the image of myself that I portray on Instagram (find me at @peyates). I have 115 followers which is extremely small by insta’s standards, but its becoming a real outlet for me to express my creativity. Increasingly one of my passions is photo and video capturing and I mainly do this on my iPhone, I enjoy it because its easy and quick to capture something you see that inspires you and edit it. 

I take pictures of food, me and my friends hanging out, an amazing view I’ve seen or artwork, but 75% of my Instagram content is OOTD’s.

Phoebe floral dress OOTD

Phoebe Birthday OOTD

Phoebe Levi and shorts OOTD

It's now starting to get to the point that I am having to wonder if i’m doubling up on outfits, there are only so many pictures you can take wearing the same dress… It’s like the ultimate same party same dress disaster… But the fact that Im having these thoughts makes me feel strange somehow, do I look like I'm being conceited? Do people think I'm showing off? Im so far from being like that in real life that even the slightest hint of me being like that is a strange split. 

On the other hand, it is a way for me to express myself through photography and fashion which is one of the highest forms of self-expression there is. A great outfit can set you up for the day, giving you confidence, self-assurance and a boost of self-esteem. The fact that I have lost a lot of weight in the last year makes me even prouder to show how far i’ve come through wearing clothes and feeling amazing in them and I like to think that emanates through the pictures.

Phoebe White jeans OOTD

Phoebe Monki OOTD

So I would 100% recommend doing it as well, challenge yourself to capture your creativity on Instagram and you never know who you might influence or what you will gain out of it.
Also always remember to feel body confident, it’s so important to learn to be happy with who you are and also by the same token, strive to be fit and strong and have the body that you want.

So feel free to follow me @peyates <3